Ames Education Foundation Background
- The Ames Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
- Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regulations.
- The Ames Education Foundation was incorporated in 1989 with tax-exempt status. Officers were approved.
- The Ames Education Foundation developed a mission statement in 1993.
- Governed by a volunteer board of directors.
- Operations and programs of the foundation are funded through contributions from businesses, alumni, individuals, events, and grants.
- The Ames Education Foundation is located at Ames High School - 1921 Ames High Drive, Ames, IA 50010.
Business Affiliations
- The Ames Education Foundation is a Gold Member of the Ames Chamber of Commerce.
- The Ames Education Foundation is a Member of National School Foundation Association.
- The Ames Education Foundation is a former Member of American Schools Foundation Alliance.
Executive Director - Annie Arbuckle
- Coordinated the State Leaders Meeting for - 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2018-19.
- Was a selected speaker for National School Foundation Conference/Indianapolis - 2013, and Chicago 2017.
- Represented Iowa K-12 Foundations at the National Conference; State Leaders Meeting - 2015 Chicago, and 2016 St. Louis, and 2017 in Chicago, and represented the state as part of the National Council in Nashville in 2018.
- Arbuckle is a Member of Mid-Iowa Planned Giving Council.
- Guest Speaker Iowa State University - 2010, 2016.
- Arbuckle - Appointed to National Industry Council, NSFA, in 2017 and 2018-19.
Leading The Nation - Ames Education Foundation
- Leads the nation in how our S.O.S. program is implemented in the school district.
- Leads the nation - as the first pK-12 Foundation to provide a Charitable Gift Annuity as a planned giving option for donors.